Altilium - The Pioneer Carbon Footprint Consultant in India

India has the third spot in the global emissions list with its overt reliant on fossil intensive technologies. Though the country has taken great strides in recycling, reduced pollution and clean energy transition, there is still challenges ahead to reach the global benchmarks of lesser emissions. Altilium, the leading carbon footprint consultant in India helps you assess the environmental impact of your different operations to initiate greener solutions.

Why carbon footprint services are necessary for India?

Corporate enterprises and firms should enlist carbon footprint services to offset the environmental degradation that is caused by one or more of its operational processes. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have become the basic essence of many corporate social responsibility endeavors by firms. Other than reduced environmental impact, SDGs also help bringing down the economic and social costs of the operational aspects of business. Let’s us explore in detailed the real need of carbon footprint services in India.

1. Climate Change

Global climate change is the real factor that is prompting many world economies to undertake sustainable objectives in their developmental agenda. By offsetting long term carbon usage, there will be a noticeable change in the extreme seasonal temperature fluctuations, rising sea levels, ocean acidification and precipitation pattern. 

2. Public Health

Pollution results in serious health consequences. Increased carbon emissions can result in the degradation of air quality which jeopardizes the health and welfare of present and future generations. Public health is compromised with the long term use of carbon-intensive technologies which results in diseases like asthma, cancer, airway diseases, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, food borne diseases etc. 

3. Economy

There is a definite price tag on the long term economic consequences of unchecked carbon footprints. A study published in the Nature journal posits that for about every 1 trillion tons of CO2 emissions, there is a equivalent GDP loss of nearly half a percent. Many energy consultants opine that to offset carbon footprint there must be carbon taxes brought into action. This carbon tax can be levied for burning fossil fuels and act as a monetary disincentive to discourage people on the use of carbon-based resources.

Offsetting carbon use is a preventive strategy that is less expensive than the implementation of sustainable initiatives. Mitigation can help address many broader issues at hand. India needs to offset its carbon footprint to reach its net-zero targets. With the biggest polluters like China and USA rallying to the sustainable camps, it is imperative for India to switch towards greener solutions. Altilium is your provider of differentiated carbon footprint services that help you shape a greener economy for the sustainable future of India. For more information on our carbon footprint services, kindly visit 


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